Camilo Ramirez, Toro Mecanico


I have fragmented memories from before my family migrated from Colombia to the U.S. when I was a child. My life and upbringing has been a world of living displaced between two cultures, constantly moving around with no sense of home. As an adult returning to my parent’s homeland, I photographed what felt familiar.

Photography offered me a better way to understanding my lost heritage beyond any questions I could ask with my now broken Spanish. I often think about my extended family, the violent history of Colombia, it’s people and beauty, the poverty, and richness found in everyday life; and the kind of life I might have lived had we stayed, and who I might have become.

These photographs seek to reconcile my own path with those of my family, friends, and countless other Latin-American immigrants who have also navigated the experience in their own way.

Faux Organic, 2003